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What is a columnstore index and how is different from clustered and...

A columnstore index is a type of index in a relational database management system that organizes data by columns instead of by rows. In a traditional row-based storage system, the data is stored in...

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How to synchronize SQL Server CE from different clients to SQL Server on a LAN

Synchronizing data between SQL Server Compact Edition (SQL CE) clients and a SQL Server database on a LAN can be done using various techniques. One common approach is to use a middleware application,...

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How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string in SQL...

In SQL Server, you can concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string using the FOR XML PATH clause and the STUFF function. Here's an example:DECLARE @concatenatedString...

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Why do we always prefer using parameters in SQL statements?

There are several reasons why it is preferred to use parameters in SQL statements:Security: Using parameters in SQL statements helps prevent SQL injection attacks. When you use parameters, the values...

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What is the difference between OLAP and OLTP?

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) and OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) are two different approaches to organizing and managing data in a database. OLTP is designed to manage transaction-oriented...

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SQL Server: Query to remove special characters from string

The following query can be used to remove special characters from a string using the STUFF function:DECLARE @String VARCHAR(100)='Hello@!#$%^&*()_+ World'SELECTSTUFF(@String,PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z0-9...

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What is new in .Net 6.0?

.NET Core 6.0 is a major release of the .NET Core framework that was released in November 2021. It is an open-source, cross-platform framework for building modern applications, including web...

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What is data annotation?

Data annotation is a way to define metadata for model properties in .NET applications. This metadata can be used for various purposes, such as validation, formatting, and documentation. In .NET Core...

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How do I force Postgres to respect the configuration file on service start?...

 By default, Postgres will use the values specified in its configuration file when it starts up. However, there are a few things you can do to ensure that it respects the configuration file and uses...

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Finding the maximum difference between columns from different rows in Postgresql

To find the maximum difference between columns from different rows in PostgreSQL, you can use a combination of window functions and subqueries. Here is an example query: SELECTMAX(abs(t1.col1 -...

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How to drop a PostgreSQL database if there are active connections to it?

In PostgreSQL, you cannot drop a database if there are active connections to it. You must first terminate all connections to the database before you can drop it. Here are the steps you can follow to...

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How does the data type String differ from string in C#?

What distinguishes these two and which one is more appropriate for use in C#?string s = "Codefari";String s = "Codefari";Solution: The distinction between these two statements is the case of the data...

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What is the procedure for iterating over an enum in C#?

 To iterate through an enum in C#, you can use the `foreach` loop or the `Enum.GetValues` method.Here's an example of using a `foreach` loop to iterate through an enum:enum DaysOfWeek { Monday,...

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How do I cast int to enum in C#?

 To cast an integer to an enum in C#, you can use the `Enum.Parse` method or the `Enum.TryParse` method.Here's an example of using the `Enum.Parse` method to convert an integer value to an enum: int...

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Exploring Dictionary Iteration in C#: Step-by-Step Guide

To iterate through a dictionary in C#, you can use a `foreach` loop or a `for` loop.Here's an example of using a `foreach` loop to iterate through a dictionary:Dictionary<string, int> dict = new...

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Deep cloning objects in c#

In C#, there are several ways to perform deep cloning of objects. Here are some approaches:Using serialization and deserialization: Serialize the object into a memory stream and then deserialize the...

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Catch multiple exceptions at once in C#?

In C#, you can catch multiple exceptions at once using a single catch block that includes multiple exception types separated by the pipe `|` symbol. For example: try{    // Some code that may throw...

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how to use coalesce in PostgreSQL?

To use the `COALESCE` function in PostgreSQL, follow these steps:1. Start by writing a SELECT statement or any other query where you want to handle null values.2. Use the `COALESCE` function and...

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What is delegate in C#? Why we need delegate?

In C#, a delegate is a type that represents references to methods with a specific signature. It is essentially a function pointer or a callback mechanism that allows you to encapsulate and pass around...

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What is difference between Out and Ref Keywords in C#

In C#, both the `out` and `ref` keywords are used to pass arguments to methods by reference, which means that any changes made to the parameters inside the method will also affect the original...

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What is garbage collection in .Net C#?

In .NET and C#, garbage collection is the process of automatically managing memory by identifying and reclaiming memory that is no longer in use. It is a key component of the .NET Common Language...

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SQL SERVER – Introduction to Dynamic Data Masking

Introduction:In today's data-driven world, protecting sensitive information is of paramount importance. As businesses collect and store vast amounts of data in their SQL Server databases, ensuring data...

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What is JavaScript? A Beginner's Guide to Understanding the Fundamentals of...

In the vast world of web development, JavaScript is a foundational programming language that plays a critical role in creating dynamic and interactive websites. If you've ever wondered how websites...

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What are JavaScript Data Types? A Beginner's Guide

Interviewer: Can you explain what data types are in JavaScript?Interviewee: Sure. Data types are the different ways that JavaScript can represent data. There are eight different data types in...

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What is the Use of isNaN Function in JavaScript? A Comprehensive Explanation...

In the world of JavaScript, input validation is a critical aspect of ensuring that user-provided data is processed correctly. One indispensable tool for this purpose is the `isNaN()` function. This...

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